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... stories of hope, encouragement, testimony...

Zhanarden Vil

Zhanarden's transformation was amazing!  But it wasn't only for him!  God used him to impact many other students at his school as well.  Check out his story along with (2) of the students he invited below.  This is just one of the examples of how City Center Church is impacting students through it's 180KC Student Ministry! 

Ronda Hjorth

Ronda lost her husband, her step-children, her home, and her job and with all that, her will to live- all on the same day.  Yet, God turned her situation around with one single act of obedience.  Check her story out and be encouraged.  

The Torres Family

Sometimes, wrong turns are not coincidences. The Torres' were on their way to visit the church they were planning on calling their new church home when they made a wrong turn into the City Center Church parking lot.

Tristyn Washington

 Tristyn has undergone countless surgeries and her parents were even informed that she probably wouldn't survive. Tristyn is now 8 Years old and is the one of the spunkiest kids we've ever met. 

Trey Knudsen (Financial Blessing)

Trey briefly shares a testimony of financial blessing when God impressed on His heart to tithe on his gross income instead of his net income.

Daniel and Brooke Allio (Marriage Restored)

Daniel and Brooke open up about a very difficult moment in their lives and their marriage. They are living proof that THERE IS HOPE!

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